Wednesday, July 25, 2007

our basecamp

ASAP sculpture socialite/news/01

hi, we're about preparing our new place for three dimensional artist hang around..
keep checking out our blog for other latest news on it further


Friday, June 22, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007



the 2nd A.S.A.P exhibition, held at Bentara Budaya Yogayakarta on 5th - 12th May 2007. Showing our latest group works, aftersculpture, just another word that we combine without any space between became one word to explained what we try to show.
after the "metasculpture" then " aftersculpture" make another 'sentence' on our walk through.. curated by nano warsono, young lecturer at ISI sculpture studio, said that our work represent some freshness that basically have a similar process, method and point of view with other Indonesian senior sculptor...they just do it in asap way..the same point came out at the exhibition discussion, head of ISI Sculpture Studio and Head of API Yogyakarta, Anusapati; their sculpture wasn't against the oldest sculptor organization, as well their artworks stronger Indonesia sculpture growth.

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