ASAP, an independent three dimensional artists community, established in late 2005 with our first exhibition called METASCULPTURE held in Pintu Merah Studio, Sanggar Luhur Gallery, Bandung Indonesia. Shown our sophisticated work both form and material exploration, representing personal thoughts of every artist.
Expandable sculpture became most influence for each work, not to against other works that shown before or resist to something, it was offering what should have shown this time and it’s about the time to write it down on Indonesian art history.
Sculpture become thin red line in every work that grow from this community, without arguing various materials and technics on it. Material could be the most important things or not, and so does the technics and displaying system. People that involved in this community are creasing and decreasing as well as the needs, joining with a bit of thought, desire and the same feeling trough exploiting all the aspect of sculpture possibility, to become a truly artist.
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